Spanish Audio Description of Obsession

As promised, here’s my critique of Obsession’s Spanish audio description. If you’re unaware, audio description is a separate audio track added to visual media that describes visual aspects. It’s mainly intended for blind and visually impaired audiences, but can be used by and benefit anyone. I have a previous post on Obsession. Check it out here.

Series Premise

Jay introduces his fiance to his family. His father is immediately attracted to her and they begin an affair where she establishes specific rules.

Series Information

Genre: Drama
Category: Adult
Explicit violence: No
Explicit sex: Yes
Content warnings I noticed: An implication of child sexual abuse


I still don’t feel comfortable judging the writing of Spanish audio description, so I won’t critique it. I was able to understand everything for the most part. There may have been things that jumped over my head, but I got the important things.

The descriptions are very good. Characters’ appearances are described in detail, something I appreciate. However, the audio description still doesn’t clarify a problem I mentioned in my original review of this series.

Very early in the series, Ingrid expresses concern over Jay’s relationship with Anna. She sites her age, saying that Anna is too much Jay’s senior. However, we don’t know how old Anna is. We don’t get an idea of her age category which would have been very useful to understand Ingrid’s concern. Is Anna Ingrid and William’s age? I still don’t know.

The audio description doesn’t clarify anyone’s age category. Once again, I know William is in his fifties, but not because of the audio description. This series is based on a book which I plan to eventually read and the synopsis gave me this information.

The vocal performance is fine. Their voice is neutral, but still engaging. Their tone doesn’t change with the story. I would have loved if it did as it would illustrate the change. It doesn’t have to be huge. Even a small one would be sufficient.

The audio description is edited well. The describer doesn’t interrupt dialogue. They’re also not randomly cut off.

Currently, Netflix offers the series audio described in English, Spanish, French, German, Brizillian Portuguese, European Spanish, Hindi, and Italian. These seem to be most of the languages. However, Netflix still excludes viewers by not providing the series audio described in all the languages it’s offered.


Overall, this is a good audio description. I enjoyed listening to it. It was great on a late night. I rate it three stars. If you’ve listened to this audio description, let me know your thoughts in the comments.

A quick announcement before I leave you today. I’ve decided to make audio description critiques bonus content. I think I might do the same for some of my creative work as well rather than scheduling them with the reviews. This way, I can post the bonus content I’ve wanted to for some time.

That’s all for now. Thanks for reading. I’ll see you soon.

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