Let’s Play Pretend

Let’s play pretend.
The world is not an awful place.
It’s not a broken place.
Nothing needs to change.

Let’s play pretend.
My life
isn’t shattering around me.
Pieces of me
aren’t being shredded
like an unwanted letter
that arrives in the mail.

Let’s play pretend.
I’m not struggling
to ask for something
that should be given
without so much work.
That I didn’t cry
in front of an unseen audience
because of you.
That you have not disappointed me
after so many years
of giving me hope.

Do you still want to play pretend?
Will you not apologize
for all the harm you’ve caused?
For all the sadness?
For all the heartbreak?
For all the stress?

Here I am,
hoping again.
Like you’ll listen.
Like you’ll ever apologize.
Like you won’t disappoint me.
Like you won’t give me hope
and break me again.

You’ll play pretend.
You’ll always play pretend.
You’ll drag me along with you.
Keep me against my will
until there’s nothing left of me.

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