The Rightful Bride Chapter 21

The contract arrives in Melanie’s inbox Monday morning. She reads it, nodding to herself. She takes a deep breath before signing.

In most circumstances, she wouldn’t have agreed to be a king’s safe bride. No matter what, it will be a marriage of convenience. She can, of course, seek out other lovers. It’s not uncommon in arranged marriages.

Her choice is the safest for now. No one in the court knows she’s a shadow dragon. Her boss knows. The king knows. Marie knows. Sebastian knows.

When Marie came to her office, she assumed they would discuss plans to go out that Wednesday.

“Hey,” Melanie said.

“Hey,” Marie said. “You have a minute?”

Melanie nodded and Marie sat across from her.

“I have a favor to ask,” she said.

“Okay,” Melanie said.

Marie explained King Harald’s plan.

“He needs a safe bride,” she said. “I suggested you might agree.”

Melanie considered, her mind spinning. She would be safe for a while if she chose not to marry King Harald, but…

“Okay,” she said. “I’m safe now, but we can’t predict the future.”

“You know,” Marie said, “if you don’t want to do it, it’s perfectly fine. We’ll make sure you’re safe no matter what.”

“I know you’ll try.”

Marie stood, rounded the desk, and embraced Melanie.

“I love you very much,” she said. “Of course I’ll keep you safe.”

Melanie stood and hugged her friend.

“I love you, too,” she said.

Melanie looks over the contract one more time and sends it to the king. Being recorded will be a small price to pay for safety. She can escape the cameras if it gets too bad. It’s not impossible.

A knock on the door interrupts her thoughts.

“Come in,” she says.

The door opens and Marie strides in.

“Hey,” she says. “You want to have lunch together?”

Melanie smiles.

“Sure,” she says. “Where do I meet you?”

“My suite?” she says.

“Alright. Do you want me to bring something?”

“Unless you want something specific, no.”

Melanie nods.

“Okay,” she says. “I’ll meet you at 12:00.”

“Great,” Marie says.

Did you enjoy today’s chapter? Let me know in the comments. Feedback is also welcome.

I’m currently posting a first draft of a story. However, if you’re interested in seeing what my final products look like, check out my debut, Daughter of Death. It’s available in many retailers, including Apple, Barnes & Noble, and Kobo in eBook and audiobook formats. It’s also available in my shop.

I’ll leave you for now. Make sure to come back for the next chapter.

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