The Rightful Bride Chapter 16

Angela smiles at Lady Jane.

“That good, huh?” Lady Jane says.

Angela laughs.

“Yes,” she says. “It was a beautiful whirlwind romance.”

Lady Jane nods.

“I’m happy for you,” she says. “I hope you continue to be happy.”

“Thank you,” Angela says. “I appreciate your good wishes.”

They talk for an hour, slowly going through all the food. Lady Jane is happy to tell her about court.

“I don’t attend court often,” she says, “but the queen is very kind to me. She includes me in her social events when I’m there and sends me an invitation for anything she plans. The rest of the court is hit or miss. It all depends how they feel about tradition.”

Angela nods.

“I assume,” she says, “the older members believe tradition must be maintained.”

“Some,” Lady Jane says. “Not all. Most believe tradition should be maintained in certain areas, but not all.”

“How do they feel about you? Other minor nobles?”

“They treat us well. They don’t distinguish between themselves and minor nobles. The main traditions they want to maintain are arranged marriages and their titles to be passed to their heirs once they abdicate or die. However, they make exceptions. If a family member does not consent to an arranged marriage, it doesn’t go through. If a family member doesn’t want the title, they pick another heir or relinquish it to the crown.”

They both follow court forums. They discuss the latest gossip.

“You should probably attend court soon,” Lady Jane says. “From what I’ve been reading, they want to meet you.”

“I will eventually,” Angela says. “Maybe next social season.”

Angela accompanies Lady Jane to the door when their tea is over.

“Call on me any time,” Angela says. “I’d love to see you again.”

“As would I,” Lady Jane says. “Come visit me.”

Lady Jane gives Angela her address.

“We’ll make plans,” Angela says.

She assures herself that Lady Jane gets into her runner before closing the door.

“Well,” Kala says, “you’ll definitely make an impression.”

Did you enjoy today’s chapter? Let me know in the comments. Feedback is also welcome.

I’m currently posting a first draft of a story. However, if you’re interested in seeing what my final products look like, check out my debut, Daughter of Death. It’s available in many retailers, including Apple, Barnes & Noble, and Kobo in eBook and audiobook formats. It’s also available in my shop.

I’ll leave you for now. Make sure to come back for the next chapter.

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