The Rightful Bride Chapter 17

Duchess Angela held her first tea yesterday. According to those invited, it was quite the event.

“It was very well organized,” Lady Jane said. “I really enjoyed myself. The duchess is wonderful.”

Unfortunately, this was the only positive comment.

“It was rather scandalous,” Duchess Olivia said. “She had most of us escorted out of the house for harmless teasing.”

For a new duchess to do such a thing is quite scandalous. She has no idea of how noble society works. She only has her opinions.

High society is a balance of good intentions and sacrifice. Any noble in high society must be able to determine when to do something. They can’t simply do things like this.

Teasing is normal among nobles. Why would the duchess take it so personally?

“She’s new,” Duchess Olivia said. “I would be willing to forgive her, but I would require an apology. I’m certain everyone else would also forgive her and be willing to bring her into our circle.”

A merciful duchess, as you can see. Mistakes are expected when someone new joins high society.

Duchess Angela has not commented on this. We’ve reached out, but a representative stated that she won’t be speaking to us. However, surprisingly, the queen chose to comment.

“I was invited to Duchess Angela’s tea,” Queen Natalie said. “Unfortunately, I was unable to attend. Hopefully, I will be able to attend future ones. She is my best friend, after all.”

It makes sense why she feels comfortable causing scandal. She has the favor of the queen. She has nothing to fear.

“When you are invited to an event,” the queen said, “it’s important to be polite. You’re bound by your host’s rules and decisions. If you choose not to be polite to other guests, you risk the chance of displeasing them. I see no reason for Duchess Olivia to complain. It’s her own fault she was escorted out of the house.”

I predict that this statement will be the talk of court and forums. The queen has actively declared where she stands on the situation, something she rarely does. She doesn’t interact with scandal.

It’s safe to say the duchess’s first impression isn’t good. Hopefully, she’ll learn from her mistakes.

Angela laughs. They think this was a mistake. How cute.

A message from Oliver pops up on her screen.

Oliver: What the hell happened? I just read the article.

Angela smiles, replying.

Angela: Nothing special. I got rid of most of my guests before the hour hit.

Oliver: Noted. Why?

She tells him about the event.

Oliver: Oh. I see.

Angela: The article is hilarious. They think I made a mistake.

Oliver: If they only knew you.

Angela: I know, right?

A message from Lady Jane pops up on her screen.

Lady Jane: You probably shouldn’t read the article. It’s not good.

Angela: I already read it. It’s hilarious.

Lady Jane: What? Did you and I read the same article?

Angela: I’m sure we did. I found it hilarious. They think I made a mistake. I didn’t.

It takes a moment for Lady Jane to reply.

Lady Jane: Okay. If you say so.

Angela: I’m thinking that scandal suits me.

Did you enjoy today’s chapter? Let me know in the comments. Feedback is also welcome.

I’m currently posting a first draft of a story. However, if you’re interested in seeing what my final products look like, check out my debut, Daughter of Death. It’s available in many retailers, including Apple, Barnes & Noble, and Kobo in eBook and audiobook formats. It’s also available in my shop.

I’ll leave you for now. Make sure to come back for the next chapter.

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