The Rightful Bride Chapter 14

She smiled.

“Put me down,” he said gently. “I need to check that nothing of him is left. Any part of him being discovered and identified is not an option.”

Angela looked around. After a moment, she obeyed, setting him on his feet.

She watched as he approached where the man stood. He picked up the gun as the wind took the ashes.

“Hmm,” he said, examining the weapon. “It’s probably legally owned.”

He removed the gun’s bullets and retrieved a bag from his jacket pocket. She narrowed her eyes, examining as he placed the gun and bullets inside. He closed it as three women approached. Angela prepared for another attack, but Oliver shook his head.

“All we have to do is get rid of the weapon?” one said.

“Yes,” Oliver said. “He’s dead. There’s nothing left of his body.”

The women nodded and Oliver gave them the bag.

“Thank you for your help,” he said.

They nodded and walked away, waving goodbye. Angela cautiously approached him. He placed a hand on her shoulder.

“Let’s go home,” he said.

She followed him back to the house, her heart racing. He didn’t push her away. That was a good sign.

As they approached the house, he gestured for her to follow him.

“There’s another entrance,” he explained.

Another entrance? Curious, she followed, forgetting to shift.

She kept a close eye on him as they went around the house. She noted the doors she saw from a distance before. She had yet to explore the estate. He never forbade her from doing so.

He pointed out the entrance to her as they approached the door. He opened it. She blinked. It led to his room?

She followed him inside and he closed the door behind them.

“Are you okay?” he said.

She nodded, shifting to her mortal form. She slid to the floor, exhausted. When was the last time she shifted?

Oliver knelt beside her and wrapped her in his arms. She looked up at him, eyes heavy. He carried her to his bed and laid her down.

“Get some sleep,” he said, kissing her forehead. “Everything should be fine for now.”

For now? She raised an eyebrow.

“I’m certain he was the only one tonight,” he said. “There shouldn’t be anyone from the black market tonight.”

Oh. Okay. She closed her eyes.

“We’ll talk about it tomorrow,” he said as she drifted off to sleep. “It’ll be okay.”

Did you enjoy this chapter? Let me know in the comments. Feedback is also welcome.

I apologize for the lack of chapters in the last few weeks. I’m currently on vacation and my Internet is not as reliable. I also had a family death and needed some time away.

I should be posting regular chapters again. However, as I’m writing this, I’m about two weeks away from returning to the US. When I return, chapters should be posted without an issue. In the meantime, enjoy the other content scheduled in advanced.

On much happier news, my book is now live! My debut is currently available on several retailers, including Apple, Barnes & Noble, and Kobo. It’s available in eBook and audiobook format. You can also find it on myshop.

I’ll leave you for now. Make sure to come back for the next chapter.

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