The Rightful Bride Chapter 9

News from Libsia! The new duchess has announced she’s ready to receive callers!

“I would like to get to know you,” Duchess Angela’s statement reads. “I look forward to seeing you. I’ll start with a few people at a time.”

The duke is on one of his mysterious trips, so the duchess will receive callers alone. As mentioned in the last article, we know very little about the duchess. It’ll be a great opportunity to finally know more about her.

The duchess will receive callers starting next week. She has an appointment card with available dates. Her lady’s maid will be handling the appointments.

Angela smiles. Very good so far.

A knock on the door interrupts her thoughts.

“Come in,” she says.

The door opens and Linzie enters.

“Friday is full,” she says.

“Already?” Angela says. “I announced it this morning.”

Linzie smiles.

“I’m not surprised,” she says. “The society paper gets around really fast.”

Angela nods. Linzie hands her the WorkPad, the card displayed on the screen. She scans the names of those attending her first afternoon tea.

“Did you notice anything interesting?” she asks.

“There’s only one minor noble here,” Linzie says. “It’s probably because they’re not completely accepted by the nobles of high society. They may not call on you. I’m surprised one made an appointment.”

“But aren’t they nobles, too?”

“But they’re minor nobles. Their titles mean less.”


“I don’t know exactly why. They’re just known as minor nobles.”

Angela nods. She’ll message Oliver later.

“May I speak freely, My Lady?” Linzie says.

Angela nods.

“Is there a reason,” Linzie says, “I don’t have the traditional responsibilities of a lady’s maid?”

Of course.

“I don’t need a regular lady’s maid,” Angela says. “I need someone who can adapt to any situation. You won’t have the traditional responsibilities of a lady’s maid with me. Are you going to be okay?”

Linzie considers for a moment before nodding.

“Good,” Angela says. “If you’re ever not, let me know. We’ll make something happen.”

Linzie nods.

“Yes, My Lady,” she says.

Angela types out her message in bed.

Angela: Hey. How are you?

Oliver responds a minute later.

Oliver: I’m still on the road. I should be there in a few days.

Oliver: I saw the announcement. Are you nervous?

Angela: Not much. I think I can handle it.

Oliver: I’m sure you’ll do amazing.

Angela: I have a question.

Oliver: Yes?

Angela: Why exactly are there minor nobles?

Oliver: Minor nobles are new nobles. They don’t come from old and recognized noble families.

Angela: That’s stupid.

Oliver: I’m not saying it’s intelligent. It’s just what it means.

Angela sighs.

Angela: According to Linzie, only one minor noble signed the card.

Oliver: I’m not surprised. Minor nobles try to stay as far as possible from high society nobles.

Oliver: I saw the ones who signed up. Your card is public.

Angela: Is Lady Jane going to be okay?

Oliver: She should be.

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