The Rightful Bride Chapter 7

Hello, everyone,

I know you’ve been waiting for this announcement since Monday. I’m sure it was a surprise when you saw the article. Hopefully, not a bad one. A queen is a blessing.

I have been thinking about this for some time and decided to take the plunge. However, I’m very busy and have little time to date as everyone else does. I’ve chosen to add that into my schedule with a contest.

On Monday, there will be a form that will allow you to sign up if you’re interested. I have a very clear idea of what I’m looking for, but, as I said, I don’t have time to date. This will be run like a dating reality show. Any woman my age who is interested may enter. I’m not interested in someone younger or older. However, you’re still welcome to come as spectators if you like.

Those who are interested will spend three months in the palace with me. Activities will be planned. Every month, there will be a ball. There, you will choose whether to continue or not. After that, I will decide, based on my interest, who may continue. In other words, you can choose to continue, but I will decide if I’m interested in continuing to go on dates with you.

The first ball will be held in one month. This welcome ball will mark the beginning of the contest. As I said, I’m only interested in women my age to date. Once you complete the form, you’ll receive an invitation to the palace. You must come by the day of the welcome ball.

When you come to the palace, you will sign a contract. Details will be revealed when you come here and at the ball. While you’re at the palace, all your needs will be met.

So, this is it. I hope to see you in a month.

Stella blinks. A contest? To find his bride? Disappointment blooms in her chest. He’s not looking for her.

She closes all her applications and places the NetPad on her dresser. The disappointment grows into anger. She’s his bride. She’s the only one who deserves that place. None of those women who are definitely interested are taking it from her.

The only problem is her appearance. She needs an excuse to get time off. They’ll probably need all the help they can get, considering that they’ll have plenty of guests.

Since its open to any woman his age, even the palace staff can sign up for this farse. The court ladies will probably sign up for this, too.

If only Ginnette was here. Together, they could come up with a plan. They were always good at that. That’s how they protected Genevieve from Mily and others.

She supposes she can lie about her age, but the palace staff knows her. One would eventually give her away. She can’t get away with not giving her name either since she needs to get an invitation and sign a contract.

She can’t afford to quit. She would be at risk. The palace is the safest place for shadow dragons.

She sighs, picking up her NetPad. She unlocks the device. She has this weekend to come up with a good plan.

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