The Rightful Bride Chapter 6

“Princess Eva was happy with your delivery,” Celia says.

Stella smiles.

“That’s great,” she says. She pauses. “Does she usually interrogate her guests?”

Celia laughs.

“Constantly,” she says. “Most people try not to socialise much with her because of it.”


“That’s very sad,” Stella says.

Guilt churns inside her. Using Princess Eva would be terrible. She probably just wants conversation with a willing participant.

“She offered me a position,” Stella says.

“Oh?” Celia says. “For what?”

“She said she’s looking for a lady’s companion and lady-in-waiting.”

“She may be looking for someone who can fit both roles.”

“It’s possible to do both, but most people won’t do both.”

Celia nods.

“So,” she says, “do you plan to accept the offer?”

“I don’t know yet,” Stella says.

Most likely not, but…

“Well,” Celia says, “think about it. She pays well, especially since you’re doing both roles.”

With that kind of money, she can leave Kafis if she wants. Start a new life in a year. She can visit other realms.

“I know,” Stella says. “How did Lady Ashlin’s dinner party go?”

“The maids say it was good,” Celia says. “As expected, because she’s a minor lady, very few nobles accepted her invitation. I hear Princess Natalie was there. Lady Irina was not.”

Mom became a noble after marrying Dad. She always made a point to associate herself with the minor nobles.

“High society,” she said, “does not appreciate new people in their ranks. They’ll only accept new members into their clique if they’re children of their friends. You will be easily accepted as the next duchess of Libsia, but there will always be others below you who won’t. They’re not as privileged as you.”

Most of the nobles invited by her mother were minor. Those who insulted them were quickly escorted out of the house and never invited again.

“Lady Irina rarely attends court functions,” she says. “That’s not new.”

“True,” Celia says. “Lady Ashlin came to the kitchen earlier this morning. She thanked me for my work.”

Stella smiles.

“Well,” she says, “at least she’s not like others.”

Celia laughs.

“Hey,” Marie says, “it’s time for–“

At Rose’s loud screeching and crying, she stops. Harald strokes Rose’s wing and rocks her.

“We might have to change the time,” he says. “She’s not doing well.”

“And,” Sebastian says striding into the room, “according to the wind, you look terrible.”

“Probably true.”

“What’s happening to her?”

“I don’t know. She’s–“

Rose screeches.

“Oh,” Sebastian says. “Her head hurts.” He pauses. “Her condition during rain and storms seems to be getting worse. You need to get someone specialised to the palace.”

He nods.

“I’ll take care of the announcement,” Sebastian says.

“I’ll call Vivian,” Marie says. “Maybe she knows someone who can help us.”

Harald nods.

“Thank you,” he says.

Rose turns away from Harald and sneezes. Flames shoots from her nostrils. Part of the couch’s arm is burned.

“And we have flames,” Sebastian says. “You might need to replace that couch.” He smiles. “Well, at least it’s small, but she’s young.”

Sebastian leaves the room and Marie follows.

Rose’s headache is new. She has a reaction to different weather. When it’s cold, she refuses to leave her room, unless it’s absolutely necessary. Wherever she goes has to be warm. She sleeps more hours during the winter.

During cool weather, she’s okay. She acts like she would every day, but she doesn’t want to spend too much time outside. Eventually, she gets too cold.

Warm weather is her favorite. She always wants to play. At night, she falls asleep easily, tired from an entire day of activity.

She used to only sleep through the rain. He had to wake her up to eat and drink water. Then, she began getting sick, presenting the symptoms of a cold. Now, a headache. When there are storms of any kind, her symptoms are the same.

“Most shadow dragons,” Mother Irina said, “only sleep through rain and storms and cold weather until age five. After that, the symptoms become manageable. They just feel tired, but it doesn’t stop them from doing things.”

“Do they ever get sick?” he asked. “Like Rose?”

“It’s rare, but there are shadow dragons who do. I’ve heard of adults who specifically request to have off when there’s bad weather.”

Information on shadow dragons is scarce, even in the interrealm library. Most healers can’t help.

Rose falls asleep as Marie enters the room.

“Vivian sent something,” she says. She hands him a container. “It’s a powder. She says to mix it into her drink. One scoop per day. It should get rid of her headache and cold, but it can’t keep her awake.”

“Thank you,” Harald says with a yawn.

“Have you slept?”

“Not much. What’s Sebastian up to?”

“He’s copying the transcript to a program.”

He nods.

“You should get some sleep,” she says. “I can take care of her for a while.”

“I’m not sure,” he says. “She’s–“

Rose shifts closer, screeching.

“Attached,” Marie says. “She’s always attached to you when she’s sick.”

“Always,” he says.

“Do you have any appointments today? I can take care of them on your behalf.”

“I canceled all of them. At least until the rain stops and she feels better.”

“Okay. I’m going to take over your work.”

“You sure?”



“No problem.”

She leaves the sitting room, softly closing the door behind her. Rose shifts again, whining softly.

Before he can say something, there’s a knock on the door.

“Come in,” he says.

The door opens.

“How is she?” Mother Irina asks, closing the door behind her. “Marie mentioned she’s very sick. More than usual.”

He explains how she’s been today.

“I’ll mix the powder with some juice,” Mother Irina says. “Perhaps she’ll drink it.”

“Give her chocolate milk instead,” he says. “She’s less likely to drink juice when she’s sick. Not even strawberry.”

“Alright. I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

“Thanks, Mother.”

“Always, darling.”

He wake Rose a few minutes later. She cries, burying her face in his chest.

“It’s okay,” he says. “This might make you feel better. It’s chocolate milk.”

Rose acquiesces, allowing him to put the cup to her lips. She drinks all the milk and curls up against him.

“It’ll probably take some time to to fully take effect,” Mother Irina says.

“I have to ask Vivian about this,” Harald says.

“She’s probably getting it off realm.”

“Unless she knows how to make it.”

Rose wraps her wings around him.

“She’s falling asleep again,” Mother Irina says. “Do you want me to take care of her while you get some sleep?”

“I got it,” he says. “I’ll get some sleep while she’s sleeping.”

“Alright. Call if you need anything.”

“I will. Thanks.”

Rose nuzzles his cheek as the door opens. He stretches, sitting up. Rose jumps into his lap.

“You slept,” Sebastian says. “Good. I finished the announcement.”

Rose screeches.

“She’s hungry,” Sebastian says.

Harald rubs his eyes, yawning.

“How did it go?” he says.

“I’ll show you when it finishes exporting,” Sebastian says.

“Okay. Lira, please request food for Rose.”

Rose takes her time eating and falls asleep after.

“Well,” Sebastian says, “at least she woke up to eat. That’s a plus.”

Harald nods.

“Did it finish exporting?” he says.

“Yeah,” Sebastian says. “What I basically did was have your voice speaking over the transcript on the screen.”

“Cool. Let me see how it turned out.”

Sebastian plays it.

“Perfect,” Harald says a few minutes later. “Let’s schedule it.”

Author’s Note

Hey, everyone! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. The next one will be available October 31.

I’ve been detailing my journey writing this story on my YouTube channel. If you’re interested in seeing it, check out this playlist.

If you’ve enjoyed my writing so far, consider checking out my debut. It’s available in eBook and audiobook format. If you’d like an arc for review, contact me at


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If you’d like to see my ongoing writing journey for Child of Death, check out this playlist.

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Thanks for reading! I’ll see you soon.

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