The Rightful Bride Chapter 4

They were silent.

“When we were children,” Harald said, “our parents arranged our marriage. She is a shadow dragon and her mother, Duchess Angela was my mother’s best friend. Duchess Angela wanted protection for her daughter.”

“Makes sense,” Sebastian said.

“We shared letters for a few years. Then, very suddenly, she stopped writing.”

“Why?” Marie said.

He took a deep breath.

“Intelligence seekers,” he said, “visited often. They saw everything was well. They searched Duchess Alice’s mind to make sure she wasn’t lying out of fear. She seemed to have, at least, a cordial relationship with Rita. There was definitely love between them.”

“So,” Sebastian said, “what happened?”

“Duchess Rita died when we were both 13. A few months later, she stopped writing. Concerned, the palace wrote to the house and asked to see Duchess Alice and her stepsisters, but there was no answer. An unexpected visit was arranged.”

“What did they find?”

“Duchess Rita’s mother ruling Libsia and her granddaughters, along with Duchess Alice gone.”


“The palace installed someone in Libsia as regent,” he said. “The regent is still there, but Duchess Rita’s mother continues to appeal. We have, of course, denied her. We continue to search for Duchess Alice and her stepsisters. So far, there’s no news.”

“So,” Sebastian said, “you want to draw her attention by saying you want to find your bride.”

“Yes. I don’t have a plan, but I need something that gets a lot of attention.”

“What about a reality show?” Marie said.

Harald blinked.

“I don’t know,” he said. “Rose–“

“We can keep her away from the cameras,” Sebastian said. “We can edit her out if she appears. Everything in a reality show is edited.”

Harald nodded.

“We can,” he said, “but we need precautions.”

“Binding contracts,” Marie said. “I know a caster.”

“I can accept that. Sebastian?”

A moment of silence.

“We can make it like a contest,” he said. “Let’s have three balls. One every month. In the meantime, we can have those who want to participate as guests in the palace.”

Harald nodded.

“We need to do this right,” Sebastian said, “or the people will feel deceived. You need a safe bride. Someone who can enter the contest aware of the plan, but who won’t be suspicious. Marie would be a great choice if the public didn’t love her so much and ship both of you. The people may consider it an insult because they would assume she will be the one selected.”

“He’s right,” Marie said.

Harald sighed.

“Any ideas for a safe bride?” he said.

“We could ask Melanie,” Marie said. “Her and I are very good friends. I can talk to her and see what she says.”

“Alright. Let me know as soon as you can.”

An hour later, Marie and Melanie sat in his office.

“This must remain between us,” Harald warned.

“I understand,” Melanie said.

He explained that he was looking for Duchess Alice, his true bride.

“I’ll be happy to help,” Melanie said, “and be your safe bride.” She paused. “I suggest that you post updates to the interverse royal channel. You can get the most attention that way.”

Harald smiled.

“Thank you,” he said. “I’ll take that suggestion. You will have to sign two contracts. The first is between us and the other is for show.”

“Alright,” Melanie said.

He messaged Maira with the parameters of the statement he wanted released to the evening paper. By lunch, he had a statement in his inbox. He approved and it was sent.

Irina and Natalie blink. The women share a look.

“I suppose,” Natalie said, “it can work. You’ll definitely draw attention.”

“When will guests begin arriving?” Irina asks.

“They can begin arriving by next Friday if that’s okay with you.”

The women nod.

“What do you plan to do for the balls?” Natalie asks.

Harald considers.

“I want a theme for each,” he says. “I’d like the first to be a masquerade. Do you think you can take over the planning?”

“Of course,” Mother Irina says.

He smiles.

“Thank you, Mother,” he says.

“Always, my darling,” Mother Natalie says.

After dinner, he returns to his study. He writes out his contract parameters and sends it to Marie. This requires discretion. Marie messages in the group chat.

Marie: I got the contract. I’ll have my friend look at it and cast the spell.

Harald: Great. Thanks.

Sebastian: I have appointments with our recording crew.

Harald: Thanks.

Sebastian: We need to record your announcement. It needs to be ready by Friday morning so it can be released that night.

Harald checks his schedule.

Harald: I have some time tomorrow. People canceled appointments.

Marie: The forecast changed. It looks like it might rain tomorrow and not stop for the rest of the week.

Harald: Rose hasn’t displayed any change.

Marie: Maybe she’ll be fine.

Sebastian: Maybe, but I’m not sure.

Sebastian: It doesn’t just stop. It’s more gradual than that.

Harald leaves his study hours later.


He jumps at the virtual assistant’s voice.

“Hi, Lira,” Harald says. “Everything okay?”

“Rose is in your bed,” she says.


He climbs in beside her. Rose shifts, folding a wing around him and laying her head on his shoulder. He kisses the top of her head.

“It’s hard to say what she wants,” Irina said the first time. “Sometimes, it’s an embrace. Other times, it may be a protective gesture.”

“A protective gesture?” he asked. “Why?”

“It depends, I suppose. She may think there is some danher outside the window even if there isn’t. It may be because of what she escaped.”

He nodded, shifting Rose closer. She buried her face in his shoulder.

Rain drums its fingers on his window. Rose whines in her sleep.

“Shh,” he whispers. “It’s okay.”

He wraps his arms around her, pulling her to his chest. He won’t sleep well tonight.

Author’s Note

Hi, everyone! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. The next one will be available September 26.

I’ve been detailing my writing journey on my YouTube channel. If you’re interested in seeing it, check out this playlist.

If you’ve enjoyed my writing so far, consider checking out my debut. It’s available in eBook and audiobook format. If you’d like an arc for review, contact me at

If you’d like to see my ongoing writing journey for Child of Death, check out this playlist.

Finally, consider supporting me on Ko-Fi. You can make a donation, check out my book shop, or hire me for any of my services.

Thanks for reading. See you soon!

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