The Rightful Bride Chapter 3

Rose jumps onto his desk. Her brother blinks. She sits, folding her wings.

“Hi, Rose,” he yawns. “Why aren’t you in bed, sweetie?”

Right. There’s no one to translate for her. She was in bed, but he always reads to her.

Harald swipes through his NetPad. Seeing the time, he locks the screen.

“Oh,” he says, picking her up. “I’m sorry. I lost track of time.”

She nods, curling up against him. He picks up the NetPad and stands.

“Okay,” he says. “You might have to give me a minute to find the book.”

Rose nods, nuzzling his cheek. What happened today? He rarely loses track of time.

In her suite, he puts her to bed and sits in the chair, unlocking his NetPad. He looks through his books until he find the current story he’s reading to her as Lady Elena enters.

“I just came to check on her,” she says.

“She went to look for me,” he says. “Remind me that I haven’t read to her.”

Lady Elena laughs.

“I think you’ll appreciate,” she says, “that she’s looking at me with an innocent face. It’s like she’s saying she didn’t do anything.”

But Rose didn’t do anything. He always reads to her. She just reminded him.

Harald smiles.

“Very much like her,” he says. “You’re free for the rest of the night. I’ll make sure she goes to bed.”

“Alright,” Lady Elena says. “Good night, Your Majesty.”

“Good night.”

She leaves and he begins reading the next chapter of the story. Rose listens intently.

“In a few days,” he says when he finishes the chapter, “there might be a lot of people in the palace. They’re going to be our guests for three months.”

She sighs.

“I’ll still read to you every night,” he says, “but things might be a little hectic. There are going to be a lot of things happening.”

Rose nods, closing her eyes.

“I’ll tell you about it on Wednesday,” he says.

She nods and he stands, leaning over her and kissing her forehead.

“Good night,” he says.

He leaves the room when she’s asleep.

“How’s the cub?”

He smiles at Mother Irina.

“She just went to sleep,” he says. “I just told her that there are going to be a lot of people soon.”

“I don’t know what you plan to do exactly, but I read the article earlier. Are you going to tell us before the announcement comes out?”


“Alright then. Come. Join us for dinner. I’m assuming you haven’t eaten.”

“I haven’t. I lost track of time. Rose came to look for me.”

Mother Irina loops her arm with his.

“Not surprising,” she says. “Did she want you to read?”

“Yes,” he says. “I promised her I would continue to read to her even though there will be people.”


A few minutes later, they sit in Mother Natalie and Mother Irina’s private dining room.

“So,” Mother Natalie says, “what’s the plan?”

Every morning, he checks his calendar. He was surprised to find a breakfast meeting with his mothers. They always reach out to him personally, never through his staff.

He showed up a few minutes before the meeting. Mother Natalie sat in this dining room, scrolling through her NetPad. When he sat across from her, she locked her device.

“You’re early,” she said with a smile.

“Good morning, Mother,” he said. “I’m surprised you requested a meeting through my staff.”

“Irina and I will explain when she gets here. It’s important.”

He nodded.

“Alright,” he said. “I suppose you’ll have me in suspense for some time.”

“It won’t be too long,” she said.

Mother Irina arrived minutes later and sat beside Mother Natalie. Breakfast was brought in. He picked up his covered plate from the tray in the center.

“Do you want coffee, darling?” Mother Natalie asked.

“Yes,” he said. “Thank you.”

She placed his cup beside his plate.

“So,” Mother Irina says, “we need to talk about Alice.”

Stella. She prefers Stella.

“Do you have any news?” he asked.

He tried not to show his hope. He knew he failed. He can’t control his facial expressions, but he can control his voice. He didn’t control his voice.

“No,” Mother Natalie says. “Unfortunately. What we have is a possible plan to find her. Honestly, this might be our last option.”

He suppressed a sigh. They were 12 the last time he heard from Stella. The palace may not check his correspondence, but his boarding school would have.

“We need to hold a ball,” Mother Irina said, “to draw her attention. The story would be that you’re looking for your bride.”

He blinked, taking a bite out of his chocolate croissant.

“I’m not sure if that will work,” he said.

“It might,” Mother Natalie said. “I don’t know if she’s anything like Angela, but, if she is, she’ll take what’s rightfully hers. The point is to give her the opportunity to come to us. Maybe her stepsisters will, too.”

“Speaking of the Libsia family,” he said, “Lady Mily is attempting to appeal for her to take over Libsia.”

His mothers sighed.

“Of course she is,” Mother Irina said. “It has been denied, right?”

“The denial should be on her desk tomorrow morning,” he said.

“Very good,” Mother Natalie said. “Now, what do you think?”

He considered. If the purpose was to find her…

“It could work,” he said, “but I’d like to take some precautions. I don’t think a ball will be enough. Maybe three.”

“Alright,” Mother Natalie said. “I don’t see why not. Three would give us more chances to draw her attention.”

“Hopefully. I’ll talk to Marie and Sebastian. We’ll make a plan.”


Rose entered the dining room screeching. She jumped into Harald’s lap and nuzzled his cheek.

“Sorry,” Lady Elena said, breathless. “I tried to–“

“It’s fine,” Harald said. “I’ll bring her to you before I start work.”

“Alright. I’ll be in her suite.”

“Thank you.”

Lady Elena leaves, closing the door.

“Rose,” Mother Irina said, “you must not leave your caretaker.”

Rose screeched quickly. He never understood the shadow tongue, even though he grew up with a shadow dragon as a mother.

“I know,” Mother Irina said, “but you cannot run from her.”

“What is she saying?” he asked.

“She was looking for you. Lady Elena told her to wait for her to find out, but she didn’t listen. She knew where you were, so she came on her own.”

He kissed the top of Rose’s head.

“Rose,” he said gently, “you must listen to Lady Elena. When I’m not here, she takes care of you.”

She screeched, resigned.

“She promises to try,” Mother Irina said.

“Alright,” he said. “Since you’re here, let’s eat.”

He picked up the spoon and began feeding her eggs, bacon, and pancakes. They share the rest of his breakfast, something common between them. Since Rose was a cub, she wouldn’t allow anyone else to touch her, unless he specifically said it was okay. That didn’t extend to food, though. Others may have been allowed to touch her, but she allowed no one to feed her, not even his mothers. She allows it now, but rarely.

“Do you want milk?” he asked.

She nodded, pushing the container toward him. She picked up her glass with her claws, placing it next to the milk. Carefully, she poured herself a glass.

“Good job,” Mother Irina said with a smile.

It took her much longer to learn how to pour herself drinks. Her wings were cut days after she was born, impairing her balance. They grew back recently, only nine months ago, every moment painful for her.

It’s only recently that she’s able to pour herself drinks. To eat by herself in her dragon form. Every time she tried, something always went wrong. Broken glass. Spilled food or liquid.

“She should have been able to do this,” Mother Irina said, “by age three. wings were cut so early and it’s going to take her at least double the time to do everything correctly.”

He nodded, holding an upset Rose. She cried into his shoulder.

“It’s okay, baby,” he said. “Everything is going to be okay.”

She nuzzled his cheek, bringing him back to the present. She took his hand, placing it on the dry table. He smiled, kissing the top of her head.

“Good job,” he said.

She moved his hand again, showing him his coffee cup.

“Oh,” he said. “You moved it. Thank you for showing me.”

She nuzzled his cheek and began drinking her milk. Some spilled on them, her hand shaking a little.

“It’s alright,” he said before she can apologize. “There’s nothing to worry about. We can clean up.”

She used her other hand to hold the glass securely and she drank the rest of her milk slowly. He cleaned them up as best as he could with napkins. Rose placed her glass carefully on the table.

“Mother,” he said, “I have to get ready for my staff meeting and discuss a plan.”

“Very well,” Mother Irina said.

A few minutes later, Harald left with Rose on his shoulder.

“I’m dropping you off with Lady Elena,” he said. “She’ll take you to school later.”

She nuzzled his cheek.

He found Lady Elena in Rose’s suite. Rose wrapped her wings around his shoulders. He hugged her back and kissed the top of her head.

“I love you, baby,” he said. “Be good for Lady Elena.”

She nuzzled his cheek and flew off his shoulder.

“Have a good day, Your Majesty,” she said.

“You as well,” he said.

He arrived at the staff lounge before everyone else. He sat by the window and opened his NetPad. He navigated to the CrushCrush group chat.

Harald: Hey.

Harald: I’m going to bring up something not in today’s agenda.

Harald: I’ll explain after. I need your help with a plan.

Marie messaged a minute later.

Marie: What’s going on?

Sebastian joined the conversation before Harald could reply.

Sebastian: He said he’ll explain after the meeting.

Sebastian: Don’t be so impatient.

Marie: We still have time before the meeting.

Sebastian: But we have more time after. You don’t have any appointments, do you?

Marie: I have a lunch appointment. I’m meeting with my father. The only time he can meet.

Harald: Everything okay?

Marie: Yeah. Just catching up. He already sent in his report.

Sebastian: Good to hear. Give him my regards.

Harald: Mine, too.

Marie: Sure. He loves you both.

Sebastian: We appreciate him.

Marie: Anyway, the plan. What is this about?

Marie: I’m not asking for an explanation right now. Just an idea.

Harald: I need help finding someone. You’ll understand when I bring it up in the meeting.

Sebastian: Interesting.

Marie: Okay. Do I need to use my contacts?

Harald: I don’t think so, but I’m not going to discard the idea.

Marie: Okay.

Marie: Are you at the lounge?

Harald: Yeah. You on your way?

Marie: I should be there in 10 minutes.

Sebastian: I’m on my way there now.

Harald: Okay. I’ll see you here.

Marie: By the way, Kylie is sick. Melanie is going to be attending on her behalf.

Harald: Got it.

Sebastian and Marie arrived a few minutes later.

“So,” Sebastian said, “you have what seems to be something crazy going on.”

Harald smiled.

“Something like that,” he said. “It’s something I never told you about.”

“Hmm,” Marie said.

His staff arrived and sat around the lounge.

“Good morning, everyone,” he said. “Melanie, welcome to the meeting.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty,” she said.

They went through the agenda in half an hour.

“All seems well,” Harald said. “Thank you.”

The staff was quiet.

“I have one more thing to discuss,” he said. “I’m afraid it’s not in the agenda.”


“I,” he said, “am looking to find a bride.”

Silence greeted his statement.

“I haven’t developed a complete plan,” he continued, “but, Maira, I’ll reach out to you. I need a statement written. I’ll give you parameters.”

“Very well, Your Majesty,” she said.

His staff left a few minutes later.

“A bride?” Marie said when the door closed. “What the hell is going on?”

“Seriously,” Sebastian said. “A warning ahead of time would have been great.”

Harald nodded.

“It’s a distraction,” he said, “to find someone very specific.”

“Who?” Marie asked.

“Duchess Alice Stella of Libsia.”

Author’s Note

Hey, everybody. I know I rarely leave these anymore, but I have an announcement regarding publication of this story for the rest of the year.

So far, I’ve been publishing this story every month, one chapter at a time. However, I have a few things to celebrate this year. I turn 24 on September 19. Blindness awareness month is on October. Finally, my first book will be released on December 26.

I’m super excited to announce that, since I’m celebrating this year, you’ll be getting one extra chapter from September to December. My release is the biggest thing I’m celebrating since it’s my debut, so, naturally, one of these chapters will be out the day my book is live in eBook and audiobook format. The chapters will be released on the first and last Tuesday of every month. Starting January 2024, the schedule will return to normal. I hope you enjoy the extra chapters. In the meantime, if you’re interested in my book, you can find it below.


You can also find the eBook in my Ko-Fi shop. There’s a link to it on the site.


The audiobook is in 44 different retailers, including Spotify. However, here are the ones I’ve found so far.

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