Audio Description of Queen Cleopatra

Netflix notified me about this series. I was already planning to watch it when I saw the title, but, when I saw the trailer, I knew I would be watching it the day of release.

Because this is a drama documentary revolving around historical events, I was very curious how the audio description would be. I thought it would be different from the usual, but I was wrong. For those unaware, audio description is a separate audio track added to visual media that describes visual aspects. It’s mainly intended for blind and visually impaired audiences, but it can benefit and be enjoyed by anyone.

Documentary Premise

This documentary follows Queen Cleopatra’s rise to the throne all the way to her death.

Documentary Information

Genre: Drama documentary
Category: Adult
Explicit violence: Yes
Explicit sex: No
Content warnings I noticed: Graphic birth scenes


The writing is good. The language fits the audience it targets. The word choice is similar to Netflix documentaries.

The descriptions are delivered in a minimal style. This style is good because it doesn’t overwhelm the viewer. However, it tends to lack detail, such as character, clothing, and setting descriptions. This one has clothing descriptions, but no character or setting descriptions.

Cleopatra’s clothing is described during important occasions. When she meets a ruler to make an alliance, for example. From what I gathered, her clothing was very stylish.

As there are know character and setting descriptions, I don’t get a picture of everything. I don’t feel like I’m missing anything, but I also don’t feel like I’m getting everything.

The describer’s vocal performance is engaging. They have a neutral voice and aren’t distracting. Their neutral performance doesn’t go to the extreme, so they’re not forgettable. The one thing I’ll say is that their performance doesn’t change with the tone of the series.

The audio description is edited well. The describer doesn’t interrupt commentary or dialogue. They allow viewers to appreciate music and silence.

Netflix currently offers the series audio described in English. It is, of course, offered in several languages. Netflix excludes viewers by not offering the series audio described in all the languages it’s offered.


Overall, this is an okay audio description. I admit I’m a little disappointed with it. I was hoping for something different, considering it revolves around historical events. I rate it two stars.

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