The Rightful Bride Chapter 2

Duke Oliver of Libsia is married! Yes, you read that right. The duke has taken a duchess.

We have little information about this, unfortunately. The duke has refused to comment on their union. The new duchess refuses an interview. Our reporters have reached out, but a representative replied.

“The duke and duchess wish not to speak to the society paper,” he said. “There will be no statement or interview.”

There was no wedding. The marriage was simply announced with no details. However, our sources have given us some information.

The duchess, Angela of Libsia was the duke’s assistant. We do not know where she grew up, but very few people seem to know who she is. We speculate that she is not originally from Libsia.

“She was always early with her rent,” one of her renters said, “but she only stayed for six months. It seems she couldn’t afford it anymore.”

Many renters have said the same. However, only one is from Libsia.

“She moved here a year ago,” Lady Anne said. “She only stayed for six months.”

It seems the duchess got her job as the duke’s assistant six months after she moved to Libsia. She began living with the duke six months ago. At least, this is what we believe based on the fact that his assistants tend to live in his house.

After this, we know nothing. Did they meet before? Perhaps the duke met her in one of his trips and they began a relationship. Perhaps they chose to keep their relationship private in order to keep the romance alive. It’s not surprising. A few nobles have done it.

The marriage was too quick, however. Many speculate it will not last long.

Angela sighs, closing the article. This is exactly what she expected to happen. Oliver wanted a private wedding. She didn’t want a celebration as tradition dictated, but she was concerned about what would be written.

He kissed her when she expressed her concerns.

“We unfortunately can’t stop the gossip,” he said, “no matter what we do. Even if we did everything tradition dictated, there’s no stopping what the society papers write.”

It didn’t turn into the scandal she thought it would. They have nothing on her, but she doesn’t doubt they’re looking. Even if she gives them something, they’ll still look.

She looks at the sleeping Oliver in his bed. Considering what he really does in those trips, he sleeps very soundly. She slipped out of his arms a few minutes ago without waking him. She smiles at his pieaceful face, admiring the man who has given her safety, friendship, and pleasure, asking for nothing in return.

She leaves her chair and quietly exits the bedroom, walking across the hall to hers. She closes the door softly behind her. This is still her space.

“Decorate it to your heart’s content,” he said when she first moved in as his assistant.

He only gave her two rules. No strangers in the house if he wasn’t there. The only person she’s invited has been her best friend, Queen Natalie, but he knows her. Who doesn’t know her?

Nothing that happened in the home was to be revealed to the public. That was an easy rule to keep. She didn’t talk to anyone and she didn’t want to lose her job, let alone the place she lived. She couldn’t. She had no place to go.

She enters the open closet. Right. She’s a duchess now. She gets to have new clothes. Not that she cares about fitting in, but she does want new clothes.

As she looks through her closet, the door opens. She turns. The young woman blinks.

“I apologize, Your Grace,” she says. “I didn’t mean to disturb.”

Angela notes the package in the young woman’s hands. It’s rectangular and the packaging does not reveal what’s inside.

She nods to the young woman. She knows the staff, but she can’t remember her face.

“What’s your name?” Angela asks.

“My name is Linzie,” she says. “I’m your lady’s maid.”

Right. She has a lady’s maid now.

Angela nods and gestures for Linzie to enter.

“Close the door, please,” she says.

Linzie obeys, joining Angela in the closet.

“What is that?” Angela asks.

“It’s for you, My Lady,” Linzie says. “They’re clothes.”

Oliver must have ordered this at some point. She’s no longer his assistant. She’s his wife now. The duchess of Libsia. What she had access to as an assistant is different, isn’t it?

“Okay,” she says. “Let’s look at it.”

They sit on the couch and unwrap the package. A stunning blue gown falls into Angela’s lap. She runs her fingers through the soft fabric. It shimmers.

“It will look lovely on you, My Lady,” Linzie says.

Yes. At a ball.

“Thank you,” Angela says.

There’s nothing else in the package. She assumes more will come later this week.

They hang it in the closet beside her usual clothes. The gown’s beauty beside her simple, unnoticeable clothes looks strange. Out of place. Like her.

She’ll organize her closet later. She’ll make herself belong.

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