Nine Perfect Strangers by Lianne Moriarty: I Did Not See That Coming

I wasn’t looking for this book. I searched the NLS Bard web site’s most popular books section and I saw the title. I don’t remember if I read the synopsis or not. I only remember putting it on my wishlist.


Nine people attend a health resort. Everything seems perfect… until it’s not.

Book Information

Genre: Psychological Thriller
Category: Adult
Explicit violence: No
Explicit sex: No
Content warnings I noticed: Unconsensual drugging
This is a standalone.


The prose is good. Very accessible and easy to read.

I enjoyed the way this story is told. We have several points of view which can be a lot sometimes, but they flow seamlessly. Some points of view are only there for a chapter, unfortunately. I don’t think these points of view are necessary, but they add to the story.

The pacing is good. It takes a long time to get to the thrilling part of a psychological thriller, but it’s totally worth it. While there’s a plot, this story is very character-driven, so the slow-burn aspect of this book makes sense.

The themes are well explored. They’re given enough time on the page.

I love the characters. Their different stories are very interesting. Although there are so many, Moriarty manages to deliver satisfying arcs. I was very happy by the end.

There’s a touch of romance. It’s not too bad, so I don’t mind it.


Overall, it was a good story. I enjoyed reading it. I plan to look more into their work. I rate it four stars.

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