I’m Trying Serial Publishing Again

If you recall, there was a time when I was publishing Daughter of Death chapter by chapter. However, I deleted the chapters and published the entire story. I didn’t feel like it worked. Daughter of Death is a short story, so the chapter by chapter format didn’t feel right for publishing here.

I currently have a work in progress that could potentially be a novel. I’m on my first draft, but it definitely feels like it’s going to be a longer project. Because of this, I’ve decided to try serial publishing again. It’s something I’ve wanted to do for years now, so, since I’m in the process of writing and it feels like it’s going to be a longer project, it feels like a great time.

I’ve decided to publish my first draft in parts for two reasons. The first is that I want to publish more creative writing on my blog. My first post was a creative nonfiction piece. While I have posted some creative writing, I don’t do it very often. I’d like to publish creative writing as often as I can.

The second reason is to show you what my first drafts look like. While, in my opinion, my first drafts don’t suck, they are an incomplete story lacking important context and character and setting descriptions. I don’t like when writing advice tells other writers that their first drafts suck because it’s discouraging. Maybe seeing my first draft will show other writers that it’s perfectly okay not to know everything.

I’ve been very open about being a discovery writer, so you’ll see what my first drafts tend to look like. Then, once I publish it, if you’re interested in the book, you can see what changes I made during editing. The scenes I added. The scenes I maybe rewrote or got rid of. Setting and character descriptions.

I’m not sure when I’ll start publishing chapters. However, I hope to start somewhere around May. In the meantime, if you’d like to check out a final draft of one of my books, you can check out my debut in the following retailers.

I won’t reveal the synopsis because I don’t have one. Again, work in progress. However, the title is The Rightful Bride. It’s meant to be a Cinderella reimagining. Let’s see if it stays that way.

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