Daughter of Death Is Finally Published!

I’m very excited to announce that my debut fantasy short story, Daughter of Death is ready for preorder! I have self-published it through Smashwords and it’s currently available there as well as Apple, Barnes & Noble, and Kobo. Unfortunately, it’s not available on Amazon yet, but will be eventually.

Daughter of Death follows Vivian, a half deity who has lived in the mortal realm for eight years. The mortal realm has finally discovered her. Now, she and her unusual family have to adjust to this new change.

If the premise interests you, consider supporting me by buying my book. On all retailers, you can find it for !0.99. If you’d like to read my book early, I’m currently running a presale only available on Smashwords. It will be available until the release date, December 26, 2023. If you choose to participate in the presale, consider leaving a review if you have time. Reviews are very helpful to authors.

If you would like an arc, please email me at anexismatos799@gmail.com. My book is currently only available as an eBook. I’ll be happy to send you an arc. Thank you so much in advanced.

I’ll reveal the cover very soon. In the meantime, here are the links to my book.

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