Trigger Warning: Short Fictions and Disturbances by Neil Gaiman

I’ve been enjoying The Sandman. I love American Gods. Now, it’s time for Gaiman’s short stories.

I found this collection when I was browsing my library for more of his work. I remember hearing this story collection’s title in passing, so, when I found it, I borrowed it immediately. It’s the first short story collection of 2023.

I’m not able to give you a synopsis of this collection. It doesn’t have a theme, so I’m not sure how to give you a description.

Book Information

Genre: This collection fits in multiple
Category: Adult
Explicit violence: No
Explicit sex: No
Content warnings I noticed: None


The prose is great. Poetic and accessible, it’s easy to read.

Each story is written differently. Some appear to be flash fiction like Making a Chair. Others are much longer like The Thing About Cassandra, one of my favorites. It was always a surprise when I stepped into a new story.

I love the fact that there were two stories I didn’t expect, Nothing O’Clock and Black Dog. Nothing O’Clock is a Doctor Who story which has made me curious about the series. I plan to look it up. Black Dog is part of American Gods. It’s great. I don’t think you need to read American Gods to enjoy this story.


Overall, this was a fun short story collection. I recommend it if you want something easy to read. I rate it four stars.

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