Audio Description of Pray Away

I have an interest in religion and cults and the effect they have on people. This is why I watched this documentary.

For those unaware, audio description is a separate audio track added to visual media that describes visual aspects. This is mainly intended for blind and visually impaired audiences, but can be enjoyed by and benefit anyone

Documentary Premise

Survivors of conversion therapy describe their experiences.

Documentary Information

Genre: Documentary
Category: Adult
Explicit violence: No
Explicit sex: No
Content warnings I noticed: A mention of sexual assault and suicide


The writing is good. The language fits the audience.

The descriptions are good. They’re simple and easy to understand. They’re mainly literal and, if there are any metaphors, they’re very few. The simple descriptions also fit the documentary style.

The describer’s vocal performance is great. They deliver descriptions with enough emotion to keep the viewer engaged, but not enough to be distracting.

The describer doesn’t step over the dialogue or commentary. There’s no choppy editing which pleases me immensely. The describer also allows the viewer to appreciate the silence and music.

My only critique is a Netflix problem. It’s very common. While they offer the documentary in several languages, audio description is only available in English, excluding other blind and visually impaired viewers. Netflix charges too much money not to put in the effort to offer audio descriptions in all the languages their content is in. Netflix has no excuse.


Overall, this audio description is good. It was delightful to listen to. I rate it four stars.

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