Audio Description of Orgasm Inc: The Story of OneTaste

I found this documentary by chance browsing through Netflix. I decided to pay extra attention to the audio description and here are my thoughts.

For those unaware, audio description is a separate audio track added to visual media that describes visual aspects. It’s mainly intended for blind and visually impaired audiences, but can be enjoyed by and benefit anyone.

Documentary Premise

OneTaste, a sexual wellness company gains fame until members come forward with disturbing allegations.

Documentary Information

Genre: Documentary
Category: Adult
Explicit violence: No, but it’s implied
Explicit sex: Yes
Content warnings I noticed: Discussions of physical and verbal abuse and sexual assault


The writing is good. The language fits the audience and the type of program.

The descriptions are good. They’re simple and very literal. Metaphors are few or nonexistent, something I’m okay with. I would have appreciated more description of setting and people, but it probably would have interrupted the dialogue and commentary.

The other issue I have is the way sexual acts are described. In this case, they’re not. The audio describer simply says that a person is being pleasured. Okay. Cool. How? Be specific.

It’s important not to step over the dialogue and commentary, but, sometimes, so little is done to convey certain descriptions. I feel like this would have benefited from more. Stick with relevant details when describing, but it’s also important to paint a picture for the viewer. I didn’t always get one.

The audio describer’s vocal performance is very good. It’s very engaging, delivering descriptions with just the right amount of emotion not to be distracting.

In the descriptions, there’s one moment where the describer almost interrupts commentary. It’s hardly noticeable, but, as I’ve learned very recently, choppy editing can make the audio description hard to enjoy.

My critique is unfortunately common. Netflix offers the documentary in several languages, but only offers audio description in English. Netflix needs to offer audio described content in all the languages it’s available in. There’s no reason not to. They charge customers too much money to offer so little. They have no excuse to exclude viewers.


Overall, the audio description is good. It fits the documentary style very well. I rated it three stars.

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